What's Up?

Well, it’s been almost a year now since my previous blog entry. I know the “sorry I haven’t posted a while” thing is a bit of a trope but I’ve had a pretty good excuse for my absence.

I’ve been taking care of this little rat since last February. Say hello to Augustus, or Auggie as we call him. He’s completely changed our lives over the past 8 months in numerous ways. Mostly as it pertains to this blog, it means a lot less time for me to make fake baseball cards and share them with the world. Can you blame me, though? I mean, look at that chubby little face. He’s so fun and cute and funny and sweet. And even when he’s being a big baby, I’m happy to be spending my time with him.

But, as he’s gotten older and we’ve adjusted to our new home life, I have found myself with a bit more free time to piddle around designing. While I won’t be posting with the same frequency as before, I will find the time to share some of my work now and again. I have a bit of a backlog to get posted here but 2024 will most likely bring a new normal with it. Just wanted to check in and show off what I think is by far my best creation thus far.